I gladly left a domain on the table the other day. I couldn't use it in my plans so I left it behind. Interestingly, one of my confidants found it within himself to acquire the domain. I'll have to keep information closer to the belt now as this doesn't mean the domain wouldn't work in at a later date.
Not to mention I have many directions to go before SB.
I took DomainAggregate.com just because I forgot to the other day. it also is a good category domain as a keyword set. It will be in the future vernacular, and I'm always acquiring choice names in that spectrum.
My two other acquisitions for the day are both related, and made up words.
sociatechnology.com which I believe is the category forming of the morphing between social networking and technology. sociatek.com as the commerical brand for the category. Regardless, I think sociatek.com has great brand potential.