Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bicycle Domains - NakedCycles.com, NakedCycling.org

I added these two domain families to the Domain Portfolio Manager™ last week. I personally like the names for a bicycle company and to promote the social awareness of naked bicycling!

$4.99 .com domain sale! - Lowest priced domains!

Our friends at DoPoMa.com are at it again offering up $4.99 .com domains. That is about 1.3 cents a day USD.

Bicycle Domains - PennyFarthing.org

As bicycle domains go I'm pretty happy to acquire PennyFarthing.org. This will be the preeminent site for Penny Farthing owner groups worldwide. It is on sale until August 31, 2011 - $4888.00. After that, it will be priced at its regular price - $8888.00.