Monday, April 25, 2011

Search Engine Optimization - SEO

Last year I was looking for a Domain Portfolio software. In doing so I realized this to be an emerging keyword set and found Domain Portfolio Manager was registered so I made up Do Po Ma short for Domain Portfolio Manager. About ten days ago, hit the front page on Google search for the keywords. About a day or two later, maybe the same day...I was able to acquire the keyword set is

Page 1 Number 3 for Domain Portfolio Manger

Page 4 Number 102 (40th32nd Position) for Domain Portfolio

? for Domain (I'm going to take a shot at getting in the top ten pages then working down.)

If I can crack into the top ten pages and move forward irrelevant of Google algorithm that would indicate I am Search Engine Optimizing my sites relevant to humankind. This could be considered pre-emptive.  :)